Welcome to kaleidoscope life!

Are you ready for some fun, adventure, and entertainment? As an Affiliate Marketer, I bring you a unique blend of the best products and experiences, all while keeping you entertained.  I welcome everyone who wants to be a part of this unique journey with open arms.

Kaleidoscope Life was born from the intricate mix of who I am and all my crazy, diverse interests.  I’ve always been colorful and adventurous, never afraid to try new things.  The culmination of those experiences and knowledge learned along the way is what I bring to the table.  I am continuously learning new things.  My mind is always bursting with ideas!  With me, what you see is what you get!  I’ve always been a straight shooter, so you know the products and experiences I represent through Kaleidoscope Life are the real deal.  My ability to see things from different angles mirrors the kaleidoscope’s transformative nature.

Flipping the script!

My passion for Kaleidoscope Life is unparalleled. I am driven by the belief that there’s nothing out there quite like it, offering such a diverse variety of products and experiences. In business school, we are taught to have a niche, but what if I flipped the script?  Just because we’ve all been taught the same principles for decades doesn’t mean they apply to everything or that someone can’t break through to create an entirely new concept. 

 Why can’t my business reflect the inner workings of my mind, heart, and soul in the form of a Kaleidoscope?

  • Bright colors harmoniously interact to create intricate and ever-changing patterns that captivate the eye, keeping the visual experience fresh and engaging.
  • Colors intersecting and overlapping, then bursting apart to emerge as something new only seconds later.
  • Kaleidoscopes mirror life because they are constantly changing. They show contrasts of dark and light, chaos and balance, and variations in saturation and intensity. 

“Life is like an ever-shifting kaleidoscope – a slight change, and all patterns alter.”

(Author – Sharon Salzberg)

Why me?

  • My multifaceted personality and passion for many things represent precisely who I am.
  • I am the life of the party, but I also need peaceful meditation and quiet focus.
  • I am quantitative and analytical but can easily switch to my creative side in the arts.
  • I’ve always had a global perspective and an open-minded view of the world. Why limit yourself?
  • I live my life to the fullest because time is the one commodity you can never get back!
  • I cherish life experiences that lift your spirit and create lifetime memories.
  • My principles are rock solid and always consistent.
    • I am not going to promote something that is crap to make a fast buck.
    • Money is great, makes life more comfortable, and represents freedom, but being greedy and money-hungry is not my style.
    • Even when I’ve been down to my last penny, I’ve never compromised who I am and what I value.
  • I am a person of my word and loyal until the end. All we have is our reputation based on the trust and respect that we have earned.
  • I appreciate the finer things in life but always want to stay true to my roots and remain humble. I was raised to conserve our resources and take good care of the things we own.  I assure you that wastefulness is not something I condone or practice.
  • I thrive on exploring new possibilities, pushing boundaries, and challenging the status quo.
  • I’ve been described as funny, but not silly. If you want silly, turn on the cartoon channel.
  • I strive for balance and synergy.
  • I thirst for continuous improvement, learning, and personal growth (hence my Kai-Zen tattoo).